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Ford F-150
Sunday, Jun. 29, 2003, 12:51 pm

yesterday was so great. aw. yay. i love him.

when we got home from our *magnificent* evening...there was a gray Ford F-150 extended cab sitting in my driveway. just sitting there. in my driveway. for those of you who know me...this is a big deal for me. a big huge fantastic deal for me.

it leaves monday morning.

i dont know if i should be overly exuberant or extremely frustrated w/ my mother. i appreciate it so much...but its like shes rubbing my dream in my face...and then just driving it away.

its so close to being mine. but yet so far.

i think im leaning onto the dissapointing side of the dispute...its so...agh...unfair. now the notion is in my head that i could actually have and drive and enjoy that truck...but yet...its not mine...and i hafta let it go.

ah the hardships in life.

its almost perfect. so close. i could paint it red for a christmas accept that.


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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden