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Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2003, 11:41 am

yesterday afternoon/evening was a lot better than yesterday.

lol i was in a really weird mood last night @ like 10. it was strange.

everything is considerably good now. nothing to really 'whine' about.

our homecoming group is now like 26 people. 26. thats like...half the skool. its completely insane.

lol its so bad were having a 'meeting' @ my house this weekend for it.

goodness this is dumb.

i went to 'see you at the pole this morning'...that was awesome. to see everybody out there just for one reason...but such a complex reason. very kool. we all got in mini circles and voiced prayers of all kinds. and it was awesome. a really fantastic way to start the day.

just took a physics test. dont think i did that well. eh o well.

everybody thats in my hc i want to be w/. well pretty much everybody. so thats y its gonna be hard. no1 wants to split up...were too intertwined. grr.

im starving.

singing test in choir today. that sucked! i hate in front of the 60 ppl class singin test.


thats all for now.

have a great day!!!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden