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hopefully it will be ok
Wednesday, Oct. 01, 2003, 7:35 am

i sent my mama flowers yesterday...actually delivered!!! aw thats gotta be fun...signing for FLOWERS! somebody must really love her (hehe thats me!) mayb someday some1...maybe me mama!...will send me flowers. thatd be neato.

i think its gonna be ok. oh i pray that it will be ok.

i have work again tonight. work is good. its not hard. but i do gotta remember a whole new language lol. o well im gettin it. julianne said this is the hardest part. and its really not that bad.

i need to go tanning for homecoming. not so tan skin wont look the best again a white and black dress. well see.

i love the song 'snowing on gaton'...its a pat green song in conjunction w/ the dixie chicks. ive liked it for a long time...just never felt compelled to comment on it. now i am. dl it...ull like it.

ah bmm is so freakin boring.

im scared.

last night there was a big fight in my house. every1 yelling @ everybody. mostly because of my sister. such a selfish immature kid. hopefully someday shell get it. i fear for her future. the worst part is she reminds me of some1 else i know...and i pray to God she doesnt end up like that. the last thing any1 in this world needs is another selfish inconsiderate and completely clueless bitch like that.

haha but she doesnt wear the same pants everyday so thats good.

im gettin so behind on homework. i was doing so well for awhile...and now im slacking off...really really badly slacking off. agh! help me to get remotivated...back in the groove. and i need to go to they gym!!! hopefully saturday if not sooner!!!

i love jeremy so freaking much. hes so...understanding and wonderful. its fantastic. utterly fantastic. thank you baby...for EVERYTHING!!!

i need peopls money for hc dinner. very the end of this week. $20 per person!!! that includes everything...drink salad meal dessert...everything. you should already know that though. so yes...$20 per person to me as soon as possible please!!! THANK YOU!

i hope every1 has a great day today!!!

o yeah except that bitch that left that extremely rude and cowardly anonymous comment on whitneys diary. ah wut a ho. hahaha.

aw. i love jeremy. and the weather right now!!! thats great stuff. yay for car washing!!!

lol i said goodbye already huh? ok...good bye again!!!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden