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lubbock bound
Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003, 9:47 pm

this time tomorrow well be almost in lubbock!!! yay for 4 day weekends in lubbock!!!

im gonna miss jeremy so freaking much. it makes me very very sad. :-(

today was payday!!! 57 bucks and some cents...not too shabby considering i only worked 3 days. woo hoo! makes me happy. and i went to connies to see julianne w/ jeremy and chloe and seth and valerie and stephanie (nazi shift manager) were all there. so that was great. but yay for banana milkshakes!!! so freakin good!!! i love connies custard...but...who is connie anyway?

history test today. didnt really know what i was doing. but thats ok. it all evens out in the end. especially w. and nice mrs. moore curve. hopefully.

96 on the physics test!!! success!!! school is my friend right now.

except for the 1st period bitch teacher and mrs. ewing. i hate them both. my 1st period teacher has no idea what shes doing and then she reprimands me for actually knowing whats going on. its so freakin dumb. and mrs. ewing. ah mrs. ewing. cant stand the woman. cant stand her. and if she wasnt a be highly inclined to tell her off. mayb shell leave next year...but doubtfully.

aw whitney young is the greatest. i love that girl like woah!

im really really gonna miss jeremy this weekend. im so glad i have him to come home to.

choir concert last night. yeah that was horrible. yay for choir sucking this year! it really is pretty sad. aw rodney...aint no sweat.

homecoming is just around the corner. like 2 weeks. i need to go tanning!!! so i dont look disgusting against my white and black dress. itll be fun though. except that our dinner group is HUGE! hopefully that wont cause any problems though. (but i bet a few specific people will...but thats the way the cookie crumbles)

lets see what else...i dont really know. o im gettin my room repainted @ my dads so thats pretty cool. um. i dont really know.

i need to pay off that ticket! and fast. cause i dont wanna go to court. too much of a hassle. woo hoo for defensive driving!

zeignebocktoberfest in old town spring on oct 18th!!! thatll be awesome...especially cause the shows are all free!!! woo hoo!

aw...i love kevin fowlers 'butterbean' song. just makes me smile.

ok so i wont be updating for awhile. ill be in LUBBOCK. so yes...have a fantastic four day weekend. ill see you on monday.


lol yeah ok thats all.

i think anyway...

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden