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i dont know what to do
Friday, Dec. 05, 2003, 4:31 pm

man today was so awesome until like...right now.

i got to sleep in cause my wonderful mama sympathized with my extreme exhaustion and asked me if i wanted to sleep in. so i missed 1st through 3rd...we werent doin anything today. and when i woke up and cmae downstairs @ 9:45 :-) there was perfume waiting for me! lol ive been out of perfume for ive been just deoderant-ing not so fun. but as an early xmas gift my mama got me one of the perfumes i asked for!!! aw yay!!!

so yeah i went to school right @ the end of 3rd period cause i had a physics test 4th...:-/...i dunno...i didnt think it was that bad. but probably because i think that ill get like...a 30. eh o well. its the confidence that counts right?

so then like...everything was good til about 6th period. then i got a really bad headache. but it didnt ruin my day or anything...i just figured id go home...have some excedrin...feel all better. yeah...well thats if u can get outta the parking lot in a decent amount of time. good lord. i think i was sitting in my parking spot cause no1 would let me out for like...10 min. and that put me in a lil bit of a worse mood. o yeah and before that id hit my head on my car kristin...and that upset my headache anymore. ok so i get home and im better and happy and get excedrin and make some macaroni which i accompanied with some chocolate milk. my lil snack was interrupted when i had to go pick up my sister.

by then my mood was strained cause id read something that quite upset me and then my sister got in the car and started bitching about not having enough time 2 get ready for the dance and what not like its my fault. so yeah now the day sucks.

i get home and put my stuff together and finish my snack and discuss what i read with someone only to upset myself more. so i come to my dads and bla bla and then i call kristin lontoc to see if shes still having people over since its so close to the time that she had to leave. we had a nice talk about things...I STILL LOVE YOU!...and i told her about my lil...predicament...and i dunno. w/e. so i then i had to go take my sister and her friend to her friends house so they could get ready for the dance.

so im driving over and my sister prompts me about my 'predicament' and i start to cry...granted i never wanted to cry about this...but it just came anyway. so that sucked. i quickly composed myself and came home.

so the 'predicament' still floats in the air. i really dont want to explain the obstacle itself as not to offend anyone...but its just something that bothers me and it may not be true but i feel it i get upset. yeah its me and my over analysis. and id kinda just like to let it 'roll off'...but i know it will probably present itself again. i dunno. mayb its my need for reassurance.

lol dont worry about it...if u know then u know...and if not...then just hope that it all settles out.

tonight i have work. which means no zoo. and i think that i dont really care. itd be fun and all...but i need the money. and although i dont wanna do dishes...i get to work with julianne and thats always awesome!!!

mayb work will help brighten the darkening of the afternoon.

im so excited about xmas. i know what im getting some but not most people. ive limited myself this year to who i give gifts to just cause...last year was crazy! so its like...8 people including my secret santa for work but excluding my family and jeremy and such. that should be too bad since im a working woman and all. yeah right.

i really need to get to work on my history project considering most of its due next wednesday and i dont have a costume yet...eek!

la de da. ok im tired of this now.

updatings made me feel a lil bit better. thats nice.

and i died inside the night you left me.

hopefully everything will be alright.

*everythings gonna be alright...rock a bye...rock a bye*

i love that song. ok...have a great FRIDAY!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden