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hump day
Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2004, 2:56 pm

alot of drama lately.

and its kind of a blur as to where it all came from.

just all of a sudden...BOOM...chaos!

it needs to just go away lol

pop show is friday...but we are not ready. not the least bit ready. and it sucks that the show is gonna be bad. but...i dont really care anymore.

some people are really insensitive...and hypocritical.

today kristin lontoc and i are gonna go get accessories for pop show. that will be fun.

were sposed to have our props 2night?!


ive got stuff on my mind and really no where to put it. just just cause. believe me...its better that way.

ok well kristin lontoc is here!!! ill update more later.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden