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ive never...
Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004, 12:32 pm

i came back to my dads this weekend.

i already dont like being here.

im just dealing with it.

2day is valentines day.

hope its good for you.

hopefully there will be a game of ive never tonight. if we can find a place to go that is. if not...hopefully something fun will happen.

i do think im seeing 50 1st dates tonight so that will be fun.

im still really confused about a lot of stuff.

o0o we (me matt kevin and dan) saw along came polly last night. funny movie! o and we ate @ bennigans beforehand. lol that was alot of fun. mostly because of our astranged waitress lol. o yeah...and the fried sandwiches lol and the pickle spear lol and...agh it was just fun.

woo hoo crappy food.

yes...very confused.

yeayeah=cocaine. who wouldve guessed? lol

ok well im gonna go for now. have a great day.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden