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would you find it in your heart to make this go away
Wednesday, Mar. 17, 2004, 11:30 am

im sorry. ive been slacking. lol.

just havent really been in the mood to update.

and im not really in the mood to now either...but i will.

yesterday was my grandmas birthday! lol woo hoo! i sent her flowers :-). they should be delivered to her today. or so i hope.

not much has been happening...just hanging out w. people...watching movies and tv and such. nothing thrilling. but i like it this way. @ least for now.

it got really warm yesterday. and again today. lol im not *ready* for summer yet. its gonna need to hold off just a lil bit longer.

last night i couldnt sleep. i had too much stuff on my mind. so i tossed and turned for awhile cause no1 was up to talk 2. i guess im just...confused.

nothing big...nothing major. just...thoughts. i dont really know if they mean anything or not. i wouldnt even really know what to say had someone been i guess its a good thing that everyone was sleeping.

i am going to the YMCA today. yes...yes i am.

i am going.

i got donuts for breakfast. yum. thats the 1st really *bad* thing ive eaten over break. mostly its been cereal and apples and bananas and sandwiches. and thats all good stuff.

i completely forgot that i dont get to go back 2 my mamas until sunday. :-( cause of the spring break rule. thats not nice. that does not make me happy inside.

i will go to the Y today. i will.

things arent really working out to my benefit right now. that sucks.

my dad offered to take us shopping this saturday (yes this saturday that i should get to go 2 my mamas but i dont). i hope i get in the shopping *mood* soon...cause id really like to take advantage of that and go spend his money. its better than spending my money. :-) going to go try to accomplish something. have a great day. i hope ur spring break is going well. :-)

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden