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monday morning brings the sunrise
Monday, Apr. 26, 2004, 7:17 am


back @ school.

stupid school.

this passed (past?) weekend was the choir trip. by far the worst of all the choir trips. i think a lot of it had to do with the fact that the trip was so much more structured than before so we werent allowed the 'freedom' we were used to. there were fun parts...but all in all i dunno. it definitely wasnt worth all that money thats for sure.

i bet it wouldve been better if saturday hadnt been completely rained out. that ruined a lot. stuck inside the barn ALL DAY LONG playing 'team building' games with an assigned group is not loads of fun.

it was nice to get away though. i think i needed that. to get away from everything here. granted...theres not tons going on 'here' in my life right now lol...but you get what im saying. mostly i guess it was nice to get away and step back and get some perspective on the whole jeremy thing. some may think im a fool but i cant help the way i feel. i think me going away also gave him some perspective as to what he wants.

the computer is fixed @ my mamas house now. woo hoo! but the new computer we were supposed to get @ my dads house this weekend is nowhere to be seen. what did i expect?

we went to the kennedy museum in the school book depository in dallas on our way home yesterday. it was really cool to see...well worth the time. although i wasnt around during that time and i dont have a deep feeling or connection for the was really cool to see ms. lou leanard (sp?) get so upset by it all. she said that she saw it all happen on the news. just neat to see how touched she was by the whole thing...gave a realistic sense of the effect it had.

man...some people...get on my nerves.

TAKS week. hopefully that means no or very little homework. this way i can finish my health by correspondence course.

and nhs hours. gotta get those completed.

the school year is coming to a close. this semester has seemed to have gone by relatively quickly. last choir concert in like a week and a half...and choir banquet a week is after that.

i need to get a dress! and buy tickets.

and i need a new job. i turned in an application to hallmark...but i doubt theyll hire me. supposedly they need 'day shifters' and i cant do that til schools out. o well.

maybe jessa will be able to hook me up with a job.

so0o0o bored.

i miss gettin to spend so much time w. my mama. :-/...i liked having weeks that were just her and me.

ok well thats really all for now. ill probably update later with a whole 'synopsis' of the trip.

have a great monday!

last - next

Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden