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no PALS :-/
Wednesday, May. 12, 2004, 10:46 pm


we're practically finished with our physics project. thats a nice feeling.

singing test today in choir. ah...thats the worst feeling in the worl. i know im not im not in choir because i think i just in choir to enjoy the music. i hate singing in front of the class. absolutely hate it. i was shaking the whole time and i felt like i was gonna throw up. but o well...@ least its over. it sounded like crap...but its over.

*1 month* tomorrow :-). i wonder how that will be...

this week is going by really slow.

lol today afterschool was funny. a big thank you to jared, andrew, matt, and kevin for starring in our physics video! lol. good luck with yours!

so i guess im not going to be in PALS next year. :-(...i really wanted to do that. but i never got a lil thing requesting a interview so i assume thats an automatic no. maybe i did something wrong in the application process? i dunno. but that sucks. now im gonna be stuck doing next year. and i dont mind photography...ive always wanted to take the class...but id much rather do PALS. o well.

i am gonna be on the 'prom commitee.' well...@ least i hope to be. need to get teacher recommendations!

i can't help but be jealous.

ok. have a great night everyone!


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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden