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happy birthday kerri!!!
Monday, May. 31, 2004, 8:05 pm

yardwork all day!

very exhausting...but our very ugly yard looks much better...

or @ least as good as it can look lol.

not much is happening...

i havent heard from anyone in quite awhile. and i would call...but part of me feels like...if they dont really have an interest to talk to or see me...they why should i bother?

even though i do have the interest.


im so glad its here.

wednesday i did get to hang out w. adrian and emily and jessa and blake and...everybody!!! that was a lot of fun.

ok...i dont really feel like doing this right now...

so sorry!



hope you had a great memorial day...have a good night!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden