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June 12, 2002, 7:26 pm

so its once again another nite...and im bored off my @$$. i guess i should b glad i have this time 2 relax. ha yeah rite. im so0o0o0o bored. o well.

i wus hoping he would call me 2day...wanting 2 do sumthin w/ me. but no. no holler from him. allan called though. tryin 2 make up 4 bein such a mean heartless uncaring boy. hes a mean boy whos just being mean. but not on purpose. nope...he just luvs her so he dont think ne thing of it. well then i guess thats good. but yeah so he didnt i have nuthin 2 do...cuz i wus waiting and hoping (like an idiot) that he would call and wanna do sumthin. :-( i waited again. damn. i thought i wus past that. o well...@ least i no its not a total waste of time...hes a lil bit interested. thats better than not @ all.

bla de bla de bla. still bored. yep. definitely bored. o yeah. extremely bored. man. im so bored. ok im dun.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden