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boys are mean
June 13, 2002, 10:36 am

boys are mean!

and the devil

and assholes

and confusing

and continuously horny

and just plain out stupid

and stubborn

and thick headed

and dense

and retarted

and indecisive

and self-absorbed

and fickle

and self righteous

and ugly

and imperfect

and cocky

and heartless

and brainless

and shallow

and gay

and bad

and selfish

and cheap

and clueless

and wandering

and never satisfied

and cry babys

and worthless

and annoying

and untrustworthy

and closed minded

and dumb

and insecure

and rude

and obnoxious

and immature

and big mouthed

and devious

and liars

and misleading


i dunno im still building the list...if u have a contribution 2 the boys are mean! list...please contact me. :-). this is a compilation of insults targeted at guys in general created by the members of my bio class and mis amigas.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden