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major signage!
July 31, 2002, 1:03 am

addtion 2 previous entry***...

a big thank u 2 'stacy' 4 her encouraging guestbook signage!!! lol she gets a kick out of it like i were kool like that. muahaha yes we do kick major ass. so yes thank u 2 stacy. and if ur readin this stacy...i tried 2 access ur diary...but like only half of it came up and i couldnt click on ur im gonna try again in a lil bit...but dont worry...ill make ur day and sign ur gbook sooner or later. hehe. thanx! i also joined a diary ring! every1 focus ur attention 2 the bottom of the page...yes u c it? yes well im told i have a bit of a texas cowgirly i figured wut the hell?! i like ill show pride. lol yeah so its fun. but yeah so accents r sexy.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden