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easy sunday...bitchy saturday
Sunday, Jan. 12, 2003, 8:36 pm


so this weekend wus pretty uneventful.

i got my 24 hour fitness membership on saturday. that wus nice. so im gonna go work out 4 the 1st time (in a long time) tomorrow. i think jon and i are going. so thatll b kool. i really wanna get back in shape b4 spring break and cancun and such. so im excited. lol lets just hope the excitement lasts.

i wish things were goin better 4 my emperess. 2nite im gonna wish on a star 4 her. i wish her happiness...complete happiness...4 @ least 1 day...if not more...of her life. every1 deserves that. and lord knows she dus. i luv ya honey. woo hoo 4 ihop!!! hehe dont let the man get ya down...i might hafta bust a cap.

i got 2 new rings 2day. that wus exciting. 1 from james avery that i had 2 get resized from xmas...and 1 from american eagle. theyr both very cute...and im satisfied. lol yes...rings make me a very simple person.

i was sposed 2 watch gummo (<-its a movie...yeah ive never heard of it either) w/ peter 2day. but yeah he never called and then i went 2 the mall. thats kind of dissapointing. but o well it dont seem 2 phase biggy.

ah i wus so angry yesterday. my mama decided that although she and i have been planning 2 try and go c "my big fat greek wedding" (supposedly hysterical) together...i wake up and shes already made plans 2 go c it w/ my sister. my mother and i barely ever get 2 do nething i wus kinda looking forward 2 our movie outing...but obviously it dont matter 2 her. so she and my sister are talkin about it rite in front of me so im like "i thought u and i were gonna go c that 2gether?" and she has the nerve 2 say..."o well you could come too." ah i wus so mad. just the whole concept of being forgotten pisses me off. she and my sis always do things 2gether...but she and i dont. so grr it just pissed me off extremely. so all 3 of us got in2 this huge fight w/ every1 screaming and slamming doors and shit. argh i wus mad. but she called and apologized when she wus on her way 2 work and i told her i appreciated the apology and thank u...but that it didnt matter nemore and that she should just go 2 the movie. so that kinda ticked her off but they went 2 the movie all the same. but its aight cuz i had fun chillin last nite w. adam, kris, jess, and kerri last nite neway. and peter and thomas stopped by (although they were very antisocial lol) so that wus kool. then jess, adam, and i went 2 ihop after i had yet another brawl w/ my mother and just chilled. so the day wusnt too too horrible. just bad enough.

my unhappiness burns a hole deeper than imaginable. i wish i knew how to cure this anguish.

ah. we have skool 2morrow...i dont like that. lol o well...its sumthin weve all come 2 live w/. damn skool. i hope every1 has a great day. ill ttyl.

o yeah...4 those of u wondering...i dont no wuts goin on w/ peter. now...according 2 him...hes been 'given permission' 2 date me...w/e that means yeah i dunno though. he seems 2 have lost or 2 b losing who knows. w/e happens happens. i luv u all! *!*MUAH*!*

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden