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Monday, Jun. 02, 2003, 1:13 am

ok in my boredom...ive decided to complete the survey from jessas diary w/ my own responses.

First off, what's your name?

-sarah (enter middle name here) schmermund

Why did your parents name you that, and do you wish they hadn't?

-um...its the only name they could agree holds no relative importance or nething. i used to hate my name...but i really do like it now. its...nice. the last name...i really had no choice...but it makes for a great nickname. and the middle obviously...i had no choice. ur a lucky fool if u actually no wut it is.

How old are you? a bit of a youngin...16 in july. yes...laugh it up. i have 1 thing 2 say...u suck.

How old are you emotionally? (As in, do you think you handle your emotions pretty well and have sorted through most of them)

-lets see...@ the beginning of this year...i was seems like it should be ok...but it aint. not for me. ppl my age create way too much unneccessary drama and nonsense. as of now...i do believe ive begun to handle things on a much more mature level...i dont really no how to measure it in age. the drama thing really doesnt suit me though.

How about mentally?

-its the same.


Are you straight, bisexual, gay, or lesbian? Have you ever questioned whether you really are this way?

-straight as an arrow

Do you feel comfortable talking about sexual things or uncomfortable?

-im usually comfortable...

Do you feel comfortable talking about sexual things regarding your own experiences, what turns you on, etc.? long as im w/ ppl i no and already feel comfortable with...i mean i wouldnt walk up to a complete stranger and offer up my favorite sexual positions or nething.

Do you, or have you ever masturbated?

-no i dont, and no i never have.

Do you think it's okay for members of the sex opposite your own to masturbate and why or why not? guys to masturbate?

-its a guys nature to masturbate. id think it a bit odd if i met a guy that didnt ever masturbate. guys are really too horny to refrain from masturbating.

On a scale of 1-10, one being the least, and ten being the most, how perverted do you feel you are? 7...usually. it varies...depending on the situation.

If you're a teenager, are your hormones making you undoubtedly horny?

-i dont think i think 'undoubtedly horny' people are just born that way. theyr the 1s that masturbate on a daily basis.

Have you ever had a sexual dream before, or "wet dream?" Feel free to describe.

-i think this is where the uncomfortable part sets it...i really dont like sharing with many ppl of the 'world wide web' thank u

What do you think of pornography? Have you ever seen it?

-ah porn...its really kristin. yes...ive seen porn. when ur friends w/ alot of guys...ur bound to see porn. it doenst really phase me though...i dont find it very...interesting...just gross...and funny sumtimes. mostly gross. definitely not a turn on.

Do you have any fetishes or things that automatically start to turn you on? If so, what are they? ..touching?

-i can openly share...cherries...cuz i think every1 already knows about that...o0o...and of course red f-150 extended cabs or red f-250 4 door v8 powerstroke diesels. must be red.

Are you flexible, or do flexible people turn you on? (If you don't understand how this question is sexual you probably never will.)

-yes im flexible...i really dont no if it turns ne1 on though...

How do sex scenes in movies make you feel? Disgusted? Hot? Elaborate.

-i dont really feel nething when seeing sex scenes in movies. if its 2 ppl in love...i just get envious of the whole being so in love part...not the sex-ness.

Did you lie on, or avoid answering any of the above questions?



Do you believe in love as a concept? Why or why not?

-wut...? in as an easily explained philosophy or something? if u mean like that then no not @ all. love is never really just is. but i fully believe in love. 'all u need is love' 'the greatest thing youll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return' yay for the moulin rouge. theres some truth in there about love.

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend or crush? If so, who?

-yes, yes i do. jeremy matthew kahanic, thats who

Do you love them? Why or why not?

-yes...why? how can that be easily answered in complete (haha incomplete kristin) sentence form? way to truly describe why i feel the way i feel. i just know i do. cuz i can feel my my tummy when it jumps when i kiss him...when i see him. love

On a scale of 1-10, one being the least and ten being the most, how important is your boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush to you?

-hes mucho importante to me. i guess like...8.7.

On a scale of 1-10, how important is the way your boyfriend's/girlfriend's/crush's family feel about you to you?

-lol if ne of u know me @ all...u no its important to me. all i do is worry about his familys opinion of im thinkin like...6-7.7 (i like .7)

If you family hated your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend, would you still go out with them? Why?

-yes...because love conquers all obstacles. and if my family truly loved me and wanted me 2 be happy...theyd get over the fact that they dont like him and be nice neway.

DOES your family hate your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend?

-no, not @ all. @ least not 2 my knowledge. how could any1 hate jeremy? :-)

Are you physically attracted to your crush, boyfriend, or girlfriend? Why or why not?

-hehe yes...yes i am. cuz hes so...great...and aw so cute! but cute in a 'jump ur bones' way and not a cute in 'aw baby'(hehe) way.

Do you think The Beatles were high when they wrote the song, "All You Need is Love?"

-i think they got it right. cuz really...all u need is love.

How do you know when you love someone?

-you just know...its fantastic...indescribable feeling.

Is love worth it?

-worth what? everything? i think is everything. (yes if you cant tell by what u might call a 'hopeless romantic')


Who is/are your best friend/s of the opposite sex?

-tony, adam, jeremy, blakes gettin close...i tell them all nething...everything. but do nething for all of my boys...they mean the world to me.

Who is/are you best friend/s of the same sex?

-kristin, kerri <--they top the list. many years put behind that. there aint nothing they dont know. mason<--theres another 1 id do nething for. theres so many more that i hold so near and dear. i love u ladies.

Name one or two people you know you would die for.

-kristin and kerri no doubt. all of my friends and my friends are my family. id do nething for ne of them.

On a scale of 1-10, how important are your friends to you?

-10...w/out my friends...i really dont think id be here today.

Have you ever fallen in love with a friend? How did that work out, if you did?

-yea i doesnt really he resides in florida. so really...the day might someday come. for now...i dunno. well always be friends though. great friends.

How well do your friends know you? Do you think they would still be your friends if they knew EVERYTHING, no exceptions, about you? If so, which friends?

-like i said...kris and kerri no absolutely everything...and were still goin strong. were the unconditional loving type of gals.

Ten years from now, which friends do you hope to still be in touch with? Why?

-everyone...because my friends mean everything to me...and friends w/ history...that makes gettin through the future so much easier


Do you have any diagnosed mental disorders? If so, what?

-i guess im somewhat diagnosed...i guess since its of a genetic form and runs through all the women of my mothers side of the family. yay for depression

Do you have any undiagnosed mental disorders? If so, what?

-well since ive never actually gone to get medicine and what now...i guess u could say that my depression is undiagnosed...but really...its all the same to me.

If you do in fact have a diagnosed or even undiagnosed mental disorder, describe what it feels like and/or your personal experiences with it.

-yeah...the depression hits...more sparingly as ive learned to control it. its not something i really enjoy discussing though. its something ive managed to barely sometimes...but ive gotten through. i have my friends to thank for that.

Have you ever been to a therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist?

-my friends are all i need. lol but once...when my parents were getting a divorce...we did the family thing...were we eached talked to the doctor alone and then she evaluated or wut not. nothing became from that though. kinda pointless.

Do you think your dreams are a window into your soul? Or do they have any significance at all?

-depends on the dream. so seem pretty pointless...but others...i dunno they seem to pertain to my everyday life cycle.

How would you describe yourself mentally and psychologically?

-i dont think i could accurately describe myself that way...ask someone who knows me

Do you feel insecure with your own person? Have a self-esteem problem? If so, why do you think you do?

-yes. yes i do. um...i do alot of comparing. i compare myself to other ppl. alot.

RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY What religion or system of beliefs, if any, do you subscribe to?

-im methodist. though that really isnt much different from lutheran or any other protestant 'subscription' (<--wut the hell?) lol

Is this a mainstream religion?


What do you think about non-mainstream religions? (Wicca, Hiduism, etc.?)

-i dont really think about it

How much do you actually know about non-mainstream religions?

-take world history...they like to explain alot about it

Have you ever tried to convert someone to your own religion? Why or why not?

-no...every1 elses religion really isnt my concern

What is your overall opinion of televangelists?

-i dont pay any attention to them

What is your opinion of evangelists in general?

-again...i focus my attention elsewhere

One word can be said and mean many different things. In the end, how important are words, really?

-im an english words are...everything. thats y...when listening to music...lyrics matter the most. thats how i pick songs. WORD.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden