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Monday, Jun. 02, 2003, 12:58 am

i have very strange thoughts running through my head. i dunno if theyr even feasible in reality...but its like a nightmare of 'badness' is occurring like a picture show in my brain. aw...damn the imagination.

pertaining to the above...i feel threatened. *gasp* yes...threatened. not physically...well not really. no1s coming to beat me up or shoot me or nothing like that. <--eh that would be kind of thrillin though ugh? lol. j/k! newho. back to my original point. i feel threatened...i guess i could say...emotionally...?...mentally...?...i dunno how to put it. i feel like...i dunno. im gonna use fake names here...just so i dont offend ne1 or give myself away too makes it easier for me 2 defend myself this way i guess.

so...bottle...yes well call him/her bottle...loves noodle...yes well refer to him/her as noodle. very much so loves noodle. and noodle believe that...whole heartedly...because noodle want to believe it...and noodle is pretty damn sure its true. but theres...key...yes well call another him/her key. a friend of bottles. and a friend of noodle as well. so noodle and bottle are all happy and such...but then...behind the scenes...there is key. and key is not so much 'behind the scenes'...key is right up there. but key seems to be playing their cards right...sneakin in and connecting very well with bottle. now...no1 said this was key's intention...but it seems to be happening nun the less. and then theres bottle. bottle seems to enjoy talking to key alot more than they enjoy talking to noodle. and thats really not right. and that really bothers noodle. and that really makes noodle wonder about how key feels about bottle and how bottle feels about key and how bottle feels about noodle. it seems to create a very strange love triangle between these 3...noodle, bottle, and key. especially since all their names were selected from the objects sittin closest to me.

have i confused u yet? good. u dont really hafta understand. but i do. and thats me expressin myself...w/ out causing any harm to any1 else. i dont want ne friendships ruined here...and i really shouldnt let this bother me...but it kinda does. shouldnt bottle wanna talk 2 noodle about stuff? i no that good friends should key and bottle have more than their right to converse...but noodle only there 4 1 purpose?

i really should work on the whole creating alias names thing.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden