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yay for that james avery ring
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2003, 11:32 pm

LaUrYnLyNn: you!

LaUrYnLyNn: your journal

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: and u!

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: lol wut?

LaUrYnLyNn: True Love......

LaUrYnLyNn: Waits!

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: lol is that it?

LaUrYnLyNn: yes!

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: or is that ur guess?

LaUrYnLyNn: its it!

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: lol thats good

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: i like that

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: alot

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: thank u!!!

LaUrYnLyNn: you know what that means right?

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: lol yeah

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: its a promise ring

LaUrYnLyNn: aw yes!

LaUrYnLyNn: lol

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: lol aw

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: thank u!!!

LaUrYnLyNn: welcome!!!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden