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the declarations of mattmagus
Saturday, Jun. 14, 2003, 4:59 am

We've touched each other's lives before

But never like this

Never in retroactive bliss

Seeing you there

My heart melts

Four years ago

This may not be

The future we pictured

In each other

But in some ways

This is better

No fear of what's to come

We've been through the worst of it

And came out laughing and jabbing

While we're not

Falling into each other's skin

In nocturnal experaments

Of another kind of alchemy

(Not really, alchemy has always

Been about that,

It's just that somewhere down the line

Some twit took it literally

As alway seems to happen

With good metaphors)

We still live in each other's speech

Moving in the harmony

Of old dance partners

Who counts the beats

With thier hearts

And this

Is more then enough for me

It's more then I've ever deserved

~Matt Magus

Your Fear

Is only thought deep

Your Hate

An epiphany away

From self-destruction

Hold your head

Above the water

Of the self

And scream me a lullaby

~Matt Magus

Capture me in sunlight

And I'll be blind for you

Capture me in moonlight

And I'll whisper subtle secrets in your ear

Offer my self up as a sacrifice

To your whims

Purify myself in your honor

Freeze moments of time

Into glass bubbles

Steal the stars from the pocket of Heaven

Just to show how dull they are

When held up to YOUR eyes

But be wary

For adopting me means feeding me

And my hungers are not easily satisfied

~Matt Magus

I want to soak in your skin

Drown myself in your voice

Bury myself under your eyes

Until there is no more me

No more I

No more you

Until the two become one

A single entity with no name

And even further still

Until that one

Merges with everything

Merges with Nothing

And time becomes

One of those living stautes

That you see in New Orleans

Frozen for the amusment

Of something that no longer exists

~Matt Magus

i'll finish with this one. im tired of doing this. but really...check out Http:// its enticing...intriguing...i love it

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden