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Saturday, Aug. 30, 2003, 2:10 am home from roger creager like...30 minutes ago. that was such a fuckin bad ass concert! we ended up sittin front row and creager signed our wristbands and i stole a poster like last year. fantastic just kicked ass all around. AND i got to see a bunch of guys from langham that i know cause they were there. lol jason eldridge...o god the stories haha. really interested in dweillin on that though. haha.

um...big thing happenin lately. jeremy seems to be really upset about something...and more and more it seems to me that hes upset w/ me about something. and im really scared that hes gotten sick of me and hes ready to move on. its scary! cause i love being w. him. im assured on some level that hes happy w/ me...and if thats the case then i wish i knew what was really upsetting him. cause i hate not knowing and i hate that hes unhappy. aw...i love him so much. hes so great. i hope he hasnt changed his mind about me. :-/

lets see what else...o yeah tonight was extra fun cause of the company. me and kerri and kristin and whitney berry! fun stuff! we played 'ive never' while we waited for the concert to start...and it was just fun 'bonding'. yay for girls night out. whitney berry is great!

sister hazel is an amazing group and i think that every person that doesnt listen to them should now! lol aw i love sister hazel. aw like i love whitney. i get to see her every morning. and thats nice.

haha i like how people try to for some reason 'prove' themselves by announcing to the world...and making sure theyre listening...about how many friends they have. muahahaha. it makes me...laugh.

i really wish i knew what to do about jeremy. i wish i could make him happy again.

he still makes me happier than ever. :-) all smile...just worried.

haha 'ive never' is such a fun game. too bad we didnt have any shots to take w/ it haha.

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden