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a love that strong
Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003, 1:28 am

You will never know

These secret dreams that plauge me

When the darkness settles in

And the shadows creep around

The edges of my consciousness

I suppose I shouldn't call them dreams

Because I never see them

In my sleep

But this language we use

Is so limited

And yet so free

Like us, I suppose

Instead before sleep can come

And my own mental terrors start to set in

I use these dreams of you

To banish them

I picture your face

Resting against me

And this image alone

Sends my nocturnal nemeses fleeing

And then I lose myself

In the dream of you and I

Walking along the bank

Of some forgotten river

Where we talk

And I am free to say everything

I've ever wanted to tell you


I am free to tell you anything

And there is no fear

I see us

Standing in the rain

In deserted alleyways

And the miscreants of vice

Dare not approach us

Because they can see

That I would tear the world apart

To hold you forever

And there is nothing thier

Societally sickened minds can concieve

That could compare to us

I see us as sun goes down

On a beach in a faraway land

Hudling under an umbrella

Enjoying the moment

And the simplicity

Of cuddling each other

After these images fade

I can allow myself to do the same

And no terror of man's imagination

Can hold diminion over me

~Matt Magus

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden