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ride the bus
Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003, 1:04 pm

if you looked up fake and insincere in the dictionary...i wonder what you'd find

youd find : noun : carly; sarah's sister : see SELFISH

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: that was my sister

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: cause i was fightin w/ her bad

WHITisANotreDAME: lol

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: it was bad

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: cause my sisters such a selfish lil beast

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: lol

WHITisANotreDAME: lol

WHITisANotreDAME: hehe

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: but no i really dont spend anytime thinkin about her @ all

WHITisANotreDAME: i no rite

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: my sisters just being a bitch lately

WHITisANotreDAME: grrrr

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: so unappreciative and only for herself

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: it makes me so angy

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: angry

WHITisANotreDAME: ill straighten her out

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: im like...DONT U GET IT!

WHITisANotreDAME: bc im a lil sister too

WHITisANotreDAME: se we can relate

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: there are other people in the world besides u

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: other people to consider besides urself!

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: but she doesnt get it

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: she just says that im being selfish and bla bla bla and that i dont do anythin for any1 ever

WHITisANotreDAME: grr sisters

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: im only about myself

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: and i was really have no clue

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: apparently...she been brainwashed and a chance for return to reality seem slim to none

WHITisANotreDAME: lol

WHITisANotreDAME: o my omy

WHITisANotreDAME: ugh my mom is home i gotta go

WHITisANotreDAME: mom's and sisters grr

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: ok

bLoNdEtXhOtTiE: lol right

man i love whitney. lol no but really...thats wut its been in my house lately. a selfish sister that just doesnt seem to get it. she needs to really come back to this relation to my entry from yesterday...she is way too expecting. mayb ill just make her take the bus to and from school now...

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden