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it will never pay off
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003, 6:00 pm

i think im gettin sick.

its screwing with my emotions.

ok so this de da.

friday i went to my mamas house. i was sposed to work but then melissa called me and told me business was slow so i didnt need to come in. so instead i went out to eat @ chilis w/ everyone for matt j's bday. that was kool. afterward we all went to ben's house to watch van wilder and that was fun. jeremy had been moving all night...but he came over to bens later. :-). yay.

we all left bens @ 11 something i guess. jeremy and i just hung out @ my house til like 12:30 and then i went to bed.

saturday morning i woke up around 11 to go w/ my mama to cingular to get new phones!!! woo hoo!!! i like mine...its so cute. i had to get a new one so she could get a new one if we wanted to stay on the same plan cause they got all new networks w/ all the new phones. so even though i wasnt sposed to get a new one til next august @ major discount...i got it now!!! early xmas gift for me and my mama.

then kristin and i drove out to george r. brown convention center to go see kerri and kristins cheer comp. that was kool. we watched a bunch of squads. some were really good. and we sat with mike and kerris mama and that was nice. we hung out with them a lil while after and then we headed home cause we didnt wanna stay for awards. lol although we got lost (agh) it was fun.

that night jeremy, me, my mama, my sister, and her friend all went to chilis for dinner just cause there was nothing planned to do yet. after chilis i went to take my bosses gifts money up to connies and then initiated that we all get together and watch a movie. so we ended up goin 2 matt bryans house and watchin bad boys 2...awesome movie. it was me, jeremy, kristin, kevin, matt j, matt b, and brien. lol brien was trashed...he was funny. and kevin got drunk it was hilarious. but yeah it was nice relaxed fun. im so glad i had my weekend nights this weekend.

i went home and went to bed. sunday morning i woke up @ like 10 to go get an xmas tree w/ my mama since my sister was being lazy cause she didnt feel good. so we got the tree and set it up and it looks really good. lol it has character. then the physics group came over. good lord that was bad. well it was bad for awhile...but then we finally found out that 1 of our equations was wrong...thanks michael!...and then everything started to work out. it was thrilling!!! (lol really was)

everyone left around 2:25 and i was sposed to study with kristin but she couldnt so i studied and did stuff here instead. jeremy came over for a lil while. then i went to work. it wasnt that bad. lol julianne was so much fun to work with. aw her and trangs purse...hahaha...and the spoons!!! lol. yes...she was a great ending to my day.

so yeah that was my weekend.

today was school.

woop de doo.

i hate feeling like this.

i have like a constant headache...i dont really know y. but its always there...kinda sitting in the back of my head...waitin to throw another punch. its really not fun @ all.

ok now i will go get all my stuff together to study @ starbucks. kristins gonna meet me there @ 7 until she hasta go 2 tumbling. so thatll be kool. and then i dunno...supposedly matt and kevin are going up there...i dont really know.

good luck to everyone on ur finals this week!!! have a happy monday!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden