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yay presents!
Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2003, 12:05 am

im sorry. i love you baby.

today was hectic. just like the rest of em.

but it kinda paid off cause today was *early present day*

well it really started with last night :-)

after work i went to jeremys and i got my xmas gift from him...

it was a BIG bottle of my marc jacobs perfume. im so freakin excited. i wore it today and damn...i smell good. aw yay thanks baby...i love it! was a nice way to end the day.

today i did a crap load of shopping with my sister for my mama and dad. we got them really awesome stuff this year. so im excited about giving it to them...i love giving gifts!!!

after shopping we came home and cleaned up and wrapped presents and stuffed my mamas stocking. then my mama came home with my grandma (yay!) and we all just got her settled. then we went to outback for a nice long dinner. i was excited about my steak but they overcooked really bad. but it was the girls first night on the floor solo so i didnt send it back. but yeah it was nice besides the "really well done" steak.

after dinner i was running late to gift exchange with sally and kristin and matt and kevin and matt bryan (even thought he couldnt come). so i went to sallys house. aw yay! it was nice. i got a really freakin cute picture frame from sally and kristin...its wintery but im gonna keep it up all year long anyway. lol. and kevin got me the big lebowski (yeeaah) and matt got me a really awesome 2 disc alabama cd thing...since mine was all scratched. thanks kid. aw and matt bryan got me a gift certificate to jamba juice. thanks matt!!! sorry you couldnt be there!

after exchanges with them i was demanded (lol jk) to exchange gifts w/ kristin and kerri. so i went to kristins and we did that fun stuff and i got a really awesome purse and pj pants w. socks and books from kristin and a really cute keychain from kerri. it was really fun. i really racked up on the awesome gifts this year. its nice :-).

then i came home and talked with jeremy for awhile and apologized because i couldnt come over cause my mama didnt want me to leave again. he said he wasnt mad/upset with me...but its pretty obvious that he is/was. im really sorry...i really honestly did try. theres just not enough hours in the day...and i know i shouldve made coming to see you like the 1st priority but my mamas being a major bitch lately...and theres no way of getting around her. im sorry babe...please understand. i love you.

i like having my mamas mama here. i love her. shes so much fun. were gonna bake tomorrow and then i gotta go pick up a lil something for my sister. (;-)...hehe) and see jeremy and do fun stuff. tomorrow is my 1st fun day!!! yay.

aw yay christmas eve!!!

santa comes tonight!!! :-)

stupid diaryland. yeah thats right...i said it...dumb.

theres a whore house by connies!!! lol sorry i learned about it last night @ work...crazy stuff.

ok well im tired and ive got fun but relaxing stuff to do have a great early early morning...and enjoy ur xmas eve day!!! :-)

i hope everyone liked their if not if i didnt give u a gift receipt just ask for the original.


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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden