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new years eve pic
Monday, Feb. 02, 2004, 4:52 pm

aw look its us from new years eve...

im having fun w. my new 'image' capability. i can host my own images!!! woo hoo!

and i figured it out all by myself. :-)

man new years eve was so much fun. everything go so complicated after weird. but new years eve was an awesome night. there was no tension or pressure or drama...and that was great.

things should be like that again.

i love feeling comfortable enough to just do what i want to do...not hafta worry about everything else. its so awesome to be able to act on impulse instead of having to consider every possible consequence.

why cant every day be like new years eve was?

there was no arguing or drama or tantrums...

no "if i do this so-and-so will get pissed" or w.e worries.

see! the song speaks true...

no happy.

we were all so happy!!! was a great way to bring in the new year. maybe that shows promise.

ok...u can see the page again! sorry for the inconvenience. i added something to the html yesterday and that messed it all up. hopefully it will all work wonderfully really soon.

but it was really quite aggravating for awhile.

i do...however...feel very accomplished for being able to locate and fix the problem when i really dont even know html.


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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden