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damning thoughts
Thursday, Feb. 05, 2004, 2:52 pm

skanky people are gross.

and why do they insist on advertising it?


today and yesterday have not been very good days.

ive got a lot of stuff of my mind and no where to put it...not even here.

there are just some things you shouldnt write down and some things you shouldnt say because of the damage it could cause.

but because i cant let any of my thoughts out...theyr digging deeper and deeper...developing way more than id ever want them to.

sometimes having time alone w. ur thoughts is a good thing.

but im alone w. my thoughts alot. and its not really a good thing.

if i only i could say it outloud.

i think most of my hesitation comes from fear. im too chicken to admit it. too chicken to put myself out there and leave myself completely vulnerable to the worst.

i think ive put myself out there too many times before to allow myself to do it again.

cause w. me...they never seem to result positively.

*wash away the thoughts inside*

i love josh groban

such an amazing voice.

im not really in the mood to talk about the days so i wont. maybe ill update later with them. probably not though since i have no extra time.

thats nice.

*thoughts are all i have to do*

have a great thursday

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden