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its friday!
Friday, Feb. 06, 2004, 7:33 am

practice yesterday...yeah that sucked.

it was surprisingly fun...

but the fact that we had to stay 30 minutes later than we were supposed to was not cool.

i wish the show wasnt gonna suck. maybe then all this work would be worth it.

i havent had any time for anything lately. im so exhausted cause i barely get any sleep and i havent had time for anything else. really dampens my mood.

no stoner today!!!

thats such a stress reliever.

i hope this weekend isnt as hectic and stressed as the past week has been.

we gotta finish our rollercoaster. :-(...i really hope that doesnt take up all of my time. cause i really wanna get my room cleaned (finally) and clean out my car (finally) and get it washed. and theres other errands i wanna do too. @ least i dont hafta work. thats nice.

the inevitable is going to happen. theres no way around it...might as well accept it.

thats just the way its meant to be.

@ least its friday!!! woo hoo!!!

any hectic weekend is better than this past week...

so im ready for some fun!

have a fantastic friday!!!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden