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really bad day
Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004, 2:55 pm

today was not a good day.

started out with a bad punch.

then everything just kinda continued on a slow decline.

then there was another punch of badness.

and now the rate of decline as seemed to quicken a bit.

i predict a really crappy night.

you know what really sucks...when ur own mother tells u ur fat. thats the worst. she is my last standing only reassurance...

and now thats gone too.

we got out lil compatibility things sponsored by senior men back today. nothing too thrilling about it...especially since its accuracy is unknown.

work last night wasnt too bad. alex made it fun. plus stephanie didnt say much cause i think she probably felt a lil overruled. so that was nice. lol alex kept doin all this stupid goofy stuff and i asked him y he was being so weird and he told me that he was just trying to make me laugh. he said i have a great smile...and i look prettier when i smile. thanks alex! his gf is one lucky lady.

couldnt find much to smile about today however.

but nobody really cares about my smile anyway.

i wish i didnt care! i really dont want to. i dont want to feel this way.

i think im gonna go out and endulge myself today. maybe get something permanent to write in...instead of writing on random sheets of paper that could get easily lost and read. there was something else i wanted to get for myself but i dont remember what it was.

cute lil valentines day party in 6th period on friday. snacks for everybody. woo hoo! mayb ill get valentines for everyone too.

i hate valentines day. it doesnt ever get to be anything special to me.

*there has always been heartache and pain

but when it's over you'll breathe again*

im waiting for this to all be over. for it to all go away.

college is on the brain again. i still have no idea where i wanna go. school is so stressful...and everything just piles on. i want to go somewhere where ill have fun...but also somewhere where ill become really prepared for whatever i plan to do after college. i dont want to start in the mail room and hafta work my way up.

i have too much conflict with authority for that to fly.

ok time to go pick up carly. i bet her life is as great as ever. i bet mine would be too if i handed over all of my problems to someone else.

have a great tuesday. please. even though i didnt. :-)

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden