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email from shaheena
Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2004, 10:04 pm

this email completely made my day...:-)

From : shaheena

Sent : Tuesday, February 24, 2004 6:27 PM

To : [email protected]

Subject : sarah = coolness

Well I felt cool because... more thing. on average...a good 20-something people read my diary daily...and its viewed by those 20-something people an average of 66 times a day. i like the stats thing...its fun.

I'm one of those people! I swear I'm addicted to read people's livejournals, xangas, diaryland thingies..etc. it's i go read my friends page on lj, my friends page on xanga, your diary and my friend stephs..and i'll get bored everytime I get on so I go to read more and enjoy! And then I get excited when you update because it's always something fun to read!

Lately you've been talking about losing weight and being happy with your body..but're so skinny! You're tall and I don't see where you're getting this not so happy perception of yourself. You're someone I would never look at and say "Man, Sarah needs to lose weight!" Sarah you are SOOO skinny! And I don't understand why your mom would say that you're not taking care of're fine the way you are. And trust me..that's not something I say because I have to..because..well, I wouldn't have e-mailed you to tell you this unless i felt it was's not like I e-mail you on a regular basis, ya know? You and I are two people who know each other but don't really talk..and usually that person isn't one who would lie to you and tell you nice things just for know? It's hard to explain, but i get what I mean.

And I think it's cool how you express the way you feel about Jeremy..I've never seen anyone so mature about a caring still. You're so mature, and your writing is eloquent..I love reading it. Anyway, just thought I'd drop a line. Have a good night!


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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden