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usher cd!
Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2004, 4:22 pm

i would promise! i would...but i hafta go 2 work :-/.

im not excited.

but @ least i know i dont have dishes. and thats always a plus.

SAT...still very threatening. tomorrow i must make myself sit down and do some last minute preparations and such. maybe that will help put my mind @ ease.

today was a good day...easy. nothing too hectic. and i had a really good sandwich for lunch...and thats always kool.

la de da. nothing else is really going on.

nothing that i have time to talk about.

jeremys back :-) and thats good. i hope things go well between him and his parents. i want him to be happy. with himself...with his living situation. with everything. just...happy.

ok...i must now go slave away at the custard place. come visit me if u would like. i always like the company :-).

hope you had a great day! have a fantastic evening!!

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden