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March 08, 2002, 3:28 pm

hey yall!!! finally...SPRING BREAK IS HERE!!! one whole week of bein lazy on my ass. 2 bad im stuck @ my dads house. o well...ill make the best of it. justin mite come up 2 houston on sunday and monday :-)!!! im so excited. i miss him and i really wanna c him. so yeah thatll b great. i have 3 fucking projects to do ova break sux major ass. but the worst is gonna b the bio wildflower project...i do not wanna waste my time goin around lookin 4 damn texas wildflowers. it dusnt even have nething 2 do w/ the human body. ugh its so stupid. o well ya gotta do wut ya gotta do. so wut is every1 doin ova break?! if theres ne good parties i wanna no bout em so im not completely bored. i think im sposed 2 get 2 gether w/ scott and his friend 'big j' sumtime next week but i aint sure. i havent seen scott in 4eva so that should b kool. eh but i dunno. i need 2 go shoppin 4 a new cute bathing suit...but 1st i need 2 get rid of the lil pudge i got on my belly. lol me and hayley gotta do tae-bo! and crunches and drink lots and lots of water (julianne!) ill but w/ my laziness i dunno how successful ill b. wish me luck! dude the guys @ lunch r gettin 2 b like annoyingly mean...i mean like they keep callin me a dike and shit and i know i shouldnt let it get 2 me but like ugh its annoying...i mean i doubt they would want me callin them gay all the time. bla o well ill survive. ok well im gonna go buh bye luv ya.


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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden