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grace is gone
Wednesday, May. 28, 2003, 12:00 pm

i wanna shoot him right now. hes so...persistent...and annoying. i cant stand my father some times (ok...most of the time) im really irritable right now...i wish i had an explanation as to why.

monday was...amazing. i love you baby. thank you so much...for everything. emily and jessa were so cute in their clown costumes...haha it was great. we went 2 the waterwall...perfection...and we ate lasagna (lol yeah yeah emily) and garlic bread and chocolate cheescake...mmm. and then we walked around and were greeted by the cutest clowns...u ladies are the best. the day turned out 2 be well worth the wait. i loved every minute of it...even having to ride around blindfolded. lol. ah so amazing. we came back to my house 2 endure the wrath of my angry father b/c we werent eating w/ them (since we'd already eaten). then we escaped on a walk 2 the park...and i loved it. i love spending time w. him. no matter what were doing. so perfect. he left around 9 :-(...but the day was unforgettable...thank u baby. i love you.

2day i must go 2 the doctor...ah yes the evil man bearing only bad news. all doctors ever have to offer me is bad news. hopefully 2day will be my lucky day...but that doesnt ever seem to be the case. o well...wish me luck neway...hopefully this will all be over soon.

im worried. extremely worried. and mayb im blowing this out of proportion...i dunno. but im worried all the same. this cant be really happening...not now. i dont no wut i would do. im...scared. hopefully this will all blow over and all my worrying will amount to nothing...but i highly doubt that will be the case. im never that lucky. o God.

2 more hours of dreaded skool. yay! at least for now. of course...the fall will come and it will all begin again...but i can enjoy the freedom while it lasts. aw...summer. sleeping in late...always sweating...really loud kids everywhere...luke warm pool water...bad b.o....trips to the beach...a special appreciation for ice cream and all things sweet and cold...yes and everything else that goes along w/ the heat and freedom and fun. yay.

im still really scared.

that song ben folds five...thats a great song.

please tell me why some ppl are so stupid...i mean really...i dont understand. their naivety (im pretty sure thats a word) and misunderstanding and childishness and drama is so...ridiculous. many ppl in this world really need a reality

so many thoughts running through my head. i cant comprehend which 1s make sense and which 1s are just too out-of-this-world to be true. i cant figure out whats a truth and whats a dream...more of a nightmare actually. i wish everything would just become clear so i could stop worrying and wishing and start acting upon things and fixing them. how can i be so happy...yet so despaired?

whitney young rocks more.

^i love her. shes so...great. mad props to u big boobs. our tits rock the cash box. :-)

*excuse me more drink. could you make it strong cause i dont need to think*

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden