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we talked about everything
Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2003, 3:51 pm

todays my sisters birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! lol that means...OUTBACK for dinner...ah yuuum. :-)

i went with jeremy and his mama to the doctor this morning to get his wisdom teeth out. i think he really appreciated me being there. and his mama and i had a really awesome talk once he was in there...good bonding time. surprising to see how much stuff she didnt know. well she knows it all now. :-) makes me happy that we can talk like that.

made lots of pies today. yum. thanksgiving will be one good meal. yes sirree. i love thanksgiving.

and then right after thanksgiving we can start playing CHRISTMAS music!!! arent u thrilled?!?!?!

i went over to 'watch' jeremy from 1:30 to 3:30 today cause mrs. kahanic asked me to since she and mr. kahanic would be closing on the house. yay finished house! hes in so much pain!!! :-( poor baby. but i liked taking care of him.

i gave him a new wallet for our anniversary and he really likes it. and im glad cause i wasnt sure if he would. thanks for my gift baby!!! and carly loves her BIG present!!! :-)

so now its shower time so ill be ready for dinner. i cant wait for steak!

last night we had pork and mac and cheese and apple salad and it was great. jeremy came over! and i think my grandparents really liked him. we played yahtzee!!! lol i won 3 outta 4 games. 1 game...i got 3 was awesome. lol but yeah jeremy really had fun which helped me have we all had fun!!!

ok now im really goin. HAPPY TURKEY DAY TOMORROW!!! :-)

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden