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Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004, 8:39 pm

question of the day...

have you ever wanted the impossible?


today...good day.

woke up EXHAUSTED. with every intention of going to school...i started waking up/getting ready. my mama comes into the bathroom...sees how tired i am...and asks me if i want to sleep in. i was thrilled. so i went back to sleep! and went to school around the beginning of fourth. i picked up chick fil a on my way and i knew amadio would throw a fit if i showed up w. so i went and chilled in mrs. moores room. i went to class and actually checked into school bout 20 minutes til 4th was over. that was nice.

im watching man shes annoying. she complains and whines all the time. lol and...shes not very intelligent. lol u just gotta laugh.

choir practice til 4:30 today. that sucked. especially since none of its really gonna pay off. lol i really hate southwestern suite.

hehe premature ejaculation. hahaha.

took a really long shower today. that was nice. and my hair is really soft again because of it...and thats wonderful. and shaved my legs. silky smoothness. :-)

tomorrows friday!

i saw jeremy yesterday. i miss him. i miss gettin to hang out w. him and stuff. i hope hes doing ok. i hope hes happy. and im glad that we can be friends.

sally kenworthy makes me smile. thanks for the chocolate milk honey! :-)

theres really nothing else to say. um de dum.

ooo i need to get sparknotes for huck finn. i dont like that book. its really boring.

im still confused about stuff. but trying to ignore it. lol thats alot easier than trying to figure it all out.

i love...cherries


ok well im gonna go now i guess...not alot else to say.

lol o yeah...another weird dream yesterday.


have a great night! :-)

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Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden