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Saturday, Mar. 06, 2004, 6:11 pm

good evening.

todays been...slow.

but not bad.

last night i didnt do anything. stayed in. thought we were going out 2 eat (me kris and kerri) but i didnt hear from anyone til 8. then not again til 9:30. so then they just came over here. i wasnt really in the mood to go out though so that was cool. they left around 11 and then i went to bed.

i was planning on goin to the special olympics thing this morning to get some nhs hours...but i didnt. o well. sleeping in was nice. havent done that in awile.

i woke up...hung out...and then went to both bear creek library and the library @ cy fair college...but neither had the books of criticism on o henry for my short story. that sucked. so then i got a cherry limeade (for free! cause it took so long) and a sandwich from schlotzskys (i dunno how to spell it) and came home.

then i looked for criticism online since i couldnt get the books. thanks to kristin lontoc and her vast knowledge of cy falls libraries passwords i got into a site and found a bunch of stuff. woo hoo! im not so worried about it.

i just dont wanna do all the work it requires. and im not gonna have a lot to work on it 2morrow cause ive got work @ 5. :-/ de da. but i gotta do it.

afterward i did some SAT practice work and such. im worried about that test.

then...lets see...o yeah. shower. and here. see...slow day. but good.

aw barbaras great. she and i cracked the code last night while we were both home. lol woo hoo friday night!

dont really know what im doing tonight. probably just working on my english paper.

lol thats sad.

but it doesnt really bother me.

chris invited me to go to the movies. and i wanna go. but if i dont work on some hw not gonna get it done.

im very bored.


ok. im gonna go. lol not to do anything...but i got nothing else to say.

have a wonderful saturday night!

last - next

Lyrics from Savage Garden's Crash and Burn and are copyrighted to Savage Garden